Saturday, 10 October 2009

Flatline issue EIGHT

this is the one with the butterfly picture in and good poems.

Friday, 9 October 2009

flatline - i am hopelessly behind

there have been loads more issues...

pictures of the bike i drew on are in one of them.
And some lovely pictures by Nicholas Holloway!

so i think my new picture ...with the butterflys will be in flatline minusEIGHT...?

Flatline minusFOUR

hey also
one of my old pages that was in the Slang issue of Mercy magazine is re-shown in Flatline MinusFOUR. It has the wrong date for NOttdance because I am silly ... my performance is on the 2oth October.

Flatline minusFIVE

The smashing people of Mercy Magazine,, make an online magazine every friday for you to look at for free and for fun.

Here are all the issues so far:



MinusFIVE should be out any minute!!! I just sent an emergency illustration for it what looks like the above image. It goes with a poem that is good.

If you'd like to sign up for this free friday online mag magic then email

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Keyboard Cat

keyboard cat

this i done on the wall for the Dolby Anol gig.

I haven't been to the Brudenell for ages so for all I know he's still there!!

skyride bike

Here's the bike I doodled on at the Skyride event in London on Sunday 20th Sept 2009.
The event was put on by The Mayor of London.

The bike is now languishing in a warehouse somewhere... if you want to have it or buy it we should do some kind of demonstration and put pressure on the events company that've got it.