Hey I just realised there's no hash key on a mac keyboard? curious... no delete key neither...
anyway that is not the news, the news is
I have a picture in the Gallery of Owls zine called GZEAN no.2
It's a funny old sketch.... i guess I could put it here but then it'd spoil the surprise if you were to buy it...
you can buy it here.....
it cost £1 i think and gets posted to your doorway! old skool nice world...like a milk man... well more like a post man.
it looks nicey pie. x
# = hold down Alt and press 3
hold down alt and press all the keys, in fact... lots of fun... well, a little bit of fun
œ∑´®†¥¨^øπ = qwertyuiop
¡€#¢∞§¶•ªº≠ = 1,2,3 etc
##### ah ha i see !!! ¡€#¡¡¡
what's this guy? ¡¡¡¡
∞ = handcuffs
≠ = spinning bowtie
∫ = snake rising up
Hi Kathryn can you please update your info on this post please. as Gzean is now produced by James Penzer and is available from:
as its main source of purchasing. It is now priced £2 and has 5 more issues under its belt. It is also currently stocked in No Guts No Glory in Exeter, Devon. And can still be delivered to your door.
GZEAN's Facebook page is:
Many thanks
James Penzer
I can send you some new images if you like.
I will add to our blogroll too.
hello James Penzer
Sorry the picture had gone all wrong.
I found another picture but any that you'd like to send me would be smashing.
you could email them to kafs at yahoo dot com.
thanks for letting me know all the things.
all best
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